Core Value

Consistently uphold the highest integrity standards to ensure transparent and reliable services.


Relying on deep expertise and rich industry experience to provide customers with tailor-made financial solutions.


Continuously innovate and adopt the most advanced technologies and methods to cope with the ever-changing market environment.


Guided by customer needs, we are committed to exceeding customer expectations and establishing long-term and stable cooperative relationships.

Customer First

Main Services

Investment Management

Services: Provide professional management of various investment tools such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, etc. to help customers realize asset appreciation.

Features: Use a combination of quantitative analysis and macroeconomic research to develop personalized investment strategies.

Insurance Services

Services: Provide a variety of insurance products such as life insurance, health insurance, property insurance, etc.

Features: Design the insurance plan that best suits customer needs through detailed risk assessment.

Financial Planning

Services: Provide comprehensive financial health checks including retirement planning, education fund planning, tax planning, etc.

Features: Provide personalized advice and solutions based on the unique financial situation and goals of customers.

Wealth Management

Services: Provide customized wealth management solutions for high-net-worth customers through estate planning, charitable donations, trust services, etc.

Features: Focus on wealth protection, growth and intergenerational inheritance to ensure clients' financial security and future planning.

Corporate Consulting

Services: Provide in-depth financial diagnosis and strategic advice for companies through financial analysis, capital structure optimization, M&A consulting, etc.

Features: Comprehensively use financial models and market research to help companies enhance their value and competitiveness.

Noblecrest has a professional team of senior financial experts, investment consultants, financial planners and legal advisors.

All team members hold international authoritative certifications such as CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) and CFP (Chartered Financial Planner).

Focus on customer needs and provide customers with the best solutions with professional services and in-depth market insights.

Noblecrest is an active corporate social responsibility organization that supports education, environmental protection and community development projects. The company believes that by giving back to the community, it can promote broader social progress and sustainable development.